"I am not quite sure what we all want from the WTS. What does a person mean by 'defeating' the Watchtower?"
I suppose this means different things to different people. Some might reject the question altogether. To imagine that we can even be responsible for forcing the WTS to change its most dangerous and barbaric policies is unrealistic.
To me, defeating the WTS is a matter of turning up the light of public scrutiny and educating Jehovah's Witnesses about how individuals and families are impacted by the WTS policies. The free flow of accurate
information is a "defeat" of the WTS, since it can only thrive in a vacuum. Additionally, when the public and the governments begin to fully understand these issues, they will pressure the WTS to change - this too is a "defeat" of sorts.
On a personal level, I have a hard time thinking in terms of "defeating" the WTS. I still have many friends and family members in the organization. I want them to be well treated by the WTS. I don't want to rock their world and turn them on their heads, theologically. I am in no more of a position to offer them "the truth" then the WTS is. I have no interest in destroying their golden calf; I just don't want it to destroy them.
Additionally, I feel my own experience is more analogous to surviving a disaster than winning a war.